Monday, August 31, 2015

Redemption of the Living Soul Understanding becoming a Secured Party Cr...

In our process we have compiled all the tools
you will need to break the chains of your
enslavement. We hope after reading this book
you will act on the remedy available to
you. Remember it is up to you and only you.
The authors of this video have gone through
this process and know what it feels
like to be on the outside looking in. It really is as
simple as filing
papers. You may have questions such as "What if they come after me
for doing this?
What if I get audited by the IRS? What if I lose my life by going through
the door? Folks,
you are already dead on paper so you only have your life to gain by
doing this. What
is your life worth? There you have it, the whole story of our
enslavement. Now
the only thing left for you to do is act.
Yes the questions that were just  asked 
may happen but they all can be answered
(remedied) by using the same process
they use against us.
The price of freedom
is eternal vigilance

Friday, August 28, 2015

Color of law Courts, Banksters, vs we the people " foreclosure/re-po"

Today some of the greats in the business  has a historic revolt against corrupt Western
banksters is now underway.  There is  a "ticking time-bomb"  and it is set to explode..  All conscious folks  need to be paying very close attention to
what is happening in Greece.  The situation there is spinning out of the
control of the European Central Bank and its bankster associates…

Further, I have correctly observed that debt from the
bailouts of the so-called troika€ – the IMF, ECB and the European Commission –
does not help get Greece
out of insolvency. In fact, it is making Greece's dire situation even worse.
Further, the steps taken by the troika since it imposed its will on the country
in 2010 have brought about an economic overhaul in Greece that has brought the economy
to its knees, and is perhaps the worst collapse in any European country in
eight decades. The troika has imposed a €œtoxic program on Greece.  Most Of Western World Insolvent

So a bust-up is coming folks you will remember tazadaq shah
bey warned you, and there is every reason to suspect that it is going to be
bullish for gold and silver. The bust-up will result in people focusing on
counterparty risk, and here is the big surprise. The rush to dump Greek debt
will have a knock-on effect on other insolvent countries, or those bordering on
insolvency, which is most of the Western world.

Gold and silver have their biggest up-moves when physical
demand is strong and there is a rush out of paper assets into the safety of
tangibles because they do not have any counterparty risk. The physical demand
for gold and silver is there, and Greece has already lit the fuse of
this time-bomb. So I am expecting much higher gold and silver prices in the
coming months and years. If you are in danger of foreclosure or car repo watch
this series of videos on the bankster at least four times.

Color of law Courts, Banksters, vs we the people " foreclosure/re-po"

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

(tazadaq) Color of Law Courts, Banksters, Defacto vs We the people

Small criminals break the law to get what they want, big
criminals make the law to get what they want. Do you still believe their laws
have anything to do with justice? The Ten Commandments the other laws of the
creator,  and the American Constitution
may be respectable, the rest is NOT. Do you really respect the laws because you
believe in them, or do you respect them because you're afraid of being punished
for not respecting them? If you believe in them then you're a fool, if you're
afraid of being punished, then you're a coward. 
Job 40:7 Gird up thy loins now like a man: I will demand of thee,
and declare thou unto me. 
 I tazadaq an aggrieved man  neither respect fools nor cowards. Where
there is true love there can be no fear. John 4: 18 There is no fear in
love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that
feareth is not made perfect in love 
 And you shall have no idols such as laws next
to GOD. You're meant to believe in one authority only - and that's Yahawah that
man of you call ,GOD. Those who have no GOD have their little god called
"the state" with all its despicable laws. If you respect those
demonic law-entities pretending to be gods then you will  feel the hell of destruction, that's for
sure. GOD respects those who know true love leaving no room for fear in their
hearts, and GOD respects those who are true individuals leaving no room for
state-worship in their souls. True individuals do not require any external
authority. Do you still depend? Remember: Your material situation follows your
mind-set.  Get your minds right.  Tazadaq and this is my view of your and my

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

(tazadaq) Redemption of the 14th Amendment Citizen to a Secured Party C...

goal here at creditors debtors contracts and commerce is to facilitate right
knowledge and  The Truth.  John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and
the truth shall make you free.  Despite
what others may tell you not all redemption are up to date. The redemption
process that we take if you decided to use it in your life between our
document preparation and step by step instructions given by our members will
help you on your way to freedom.  I
contend and guarantee to you is we will do our very best to make sure you are
successful in your endeavors.

guidance from a professional Secured Party Creditor as tazadaq shah bey is
actually an incredibly economical idea. We are able to get your redemption
process back to you fast because of our experience, which means it would take
you fifteen times the amount of time to learn, study and research the
redemption process in order to get it done correctly. With our competitive
rates, we are sure we can please you with our redemption services! We are sure
to save you time and give you peace of mind!

what are you waiting for? Start on your redemption process today,  Become a secured party creditor Thank you for
visiting this channel and watching this video, Like it, subscribe and share
it.  To become a secured party creditor
email us now at   Redeem
The Truth now
shah bey and approve this message

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Contract Law is law and law is contact CFR 27 SECTION 72.11

Article 1 section 10 clause 1 No state say pass any law impairing the obligation of contract. It s always about the contract folks always argue the contract but do not engage in arguments.  Is this game not clear?  This is why you must turn of the reality tv and study.  The United states is not a country it is a federal corporation. Like Wal-Mart, target.  28 USC 3002 sub section 15 A. New York is your country, New Jersey is your country or California is your country

Now I know that If  I go down and want to put my documents on the record and the clerk of court refuse me I know that Title 18 USC 2071 can be used against them for Concealment Removal Mutilation.  I if a black robe tell me not the mention the Constitution in his court I know either I am in the wrong court which I do not do or he is in violation of Title 18 section 2381. Do you understand?  So I conditionally accept your offer to continue to stultify the creditor and commit barratry of the court upon proof of claim that you are not now in violation of my right to contract and your oath of office and the fee is 1 million dollars over due and owing immediately.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Status, a man, Moor, National , Win in court Creditors defeat Debtors ...

Learn How to Be Heard. Learn How to Make Your Opponents
Answer Truthfully in Court. The Power is Yours!     Every case should have a theory. The
plaintiff’s case has one theory; the defendant’s case has another.   If I am going to court I Make certain that I
understand my theory of the case and make the other side tell me its theory on
the record. I never  omit to do this.
Many times a case can be won by poking holes in the other side’s theory. Or, if
it can be shown that facts simply cannot support the other side’s theory, you
win.  I trust brother Kenny Is listening
and will receive this edification.  Or,
if the law cited by the other side doesn’t fit the theory they say they are
operating from, they lose. If a case theory is not supported by the facts and
law, the case is un-winnable. 
Understood?  A good case theory can
be stated in just a single paragraph. For example, “Defendant owed plaintiff a
duty to provide safe seating at its pool hall. When plaintiff sat at
defendant’s table to eat his sandwich the table collapsed. Plaintiff was dumped
to the floor where he was permitted to remain 12 minutes in full view of
defendant’s employees. Plaintiff suffered physical injury and emotional
embarrassment as a direct result.”       
Always write your theory of the case, then get the other side to put its
theory on the record. Let opposing theories direct your strategy and tactics in
the case.        Many cases are lost
because the losing party does not see the big-picture view by writing a case

Of course lawsuits are far more complicated than this,
however the basics are the same in every lawsuit.  Which are as follows……
      Complaint,  Flurry of Motions, Answer, Discovery,  Trial 
Focus on this simplicity. Winners know how the game is
played. That’s how winners win!  If you
can spell “CAT” you can master the fundamental anatomy of every lawsuit. C  ... 
Complaint A  ...  Answer T 
...  Trial. Creditors win debtors
lose. Because a secured party creditor now. Contact me

How to challenge family court and traffic court pt 1( child support and ...

Corpus Juris Secundum Consenting to go to jail

Corpus Juris Secundum All crimes are commercial. Criminal Law straw man

You have a right to travel 1.avi

Sunday, August 2, 2015

CINCINNATI Police Ray Tensing Murders Samuel DuBose Resist the Tyranny

Fact: DuBose's death is the latest in a string of controversial
killings of people by police that include Tamir Rice in Cleveland,
Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri,
and Walter Scott in North Charleston, South Carolina.
The people killed in each case have
been black. But now these public servants are even starting to attack so-called
white. Resist the Tyranny subscribe to my channel now!
The video camera when slowed down clearly shows Tensing
shooting Dubose in the head while standing and he was not dragged. Now where does
the  video show him being dragged.  Looking at this from a legal prospective, One
legal dictionary defines law as “the legislative pronouncement of the rules
which should guide one’s actions in society; 
“the aggregate of those rules and principles of conduct promulgated by
the legislative authority [court decisions], or established by local
custom.”1  The law stems from a number of
sources including the U.S. Constitution, federal statutes, state constitutions,
state statutes, local ordinances, state and federal court decisions, and
rulings of federal, state and local agencies. 
Laws vary from state to state and at times, from community to

Because BIG chapters throughout the country are very active
and participate in unlimited community, professional and cultural activities,
it is impossible to define all of the laws that could potentially affect Public
officials and their private security guards that many refer to as police.. 
For this reason, this document provides general background
information that BIG Wigs
 can use in conducting
the day-to-day business of their chapters. 
video does not replace the need for legal counsel, and does
not contain
enough information to make someone an expert in any legal