Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Birth Certificate Registration is a fraud, Secured Party Creditor is Fre...

Isaiah 9: 8 The Lord sent a word into Jacob,
and it hath lighted upon Israel.
I am not the light
but a true light shining on Yahsharahla to give the knowledge granted to me by
Yah. A few Moorish so-called gurus have been teaching you to register your
birth certificate.  Those of you that
have done it try to go and discharge some debt. If you are honest you know you
will be  lying only to yourself you
because this does not allow you to do anything but make a fool of yourself. You
will not discharge debt by registering a birth certificate that is already
registered by a defacto sate. You are not exempt from levy . I will explain why
in this video and demolish the fraud that many of you are starting to follow. A
scheme started by a few moors to sell DVDs. 
Tazadaq’s response
to the post  on facebook that has miss
lead many of you and have you  foolishly
attempting to register your birth certificate. 
The birth certificated is already registered.  Now let me address this madness in this
When you correct
your status you will be not only be  on
the private side as these moors falsely teach, We are already on the private side
once you becomea Secured party Creditor ( SPC) You are outside of their society
and an alien to their statutes.  By being
SPC you will be foreign to the UNITED STATES corporation,
What I need you
folk to understand is that if you are totally foreign to the government you
must emancipate yourself and that means that you cannot use any governmental
benefits so anyone that tells you that they are foreign and they still receive
benefits are lying to you and using you as prey. That means you get nothing from
the government and I mean nothing.  If
you want to truly become a secured party creditor contact me at creditorsdebtorscontracts@yahoo.com 

The unlawful arrest of Sandra Bland, Texas Public Servant Brian Encinia,...

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Birth Certificate Registration debunked, Secured Party Creditor Sign wit...

Birth Certificate
Registration is a fallacy that a few moors are pushing and  advising many to attach a affidavit of
truth.  This will get many of you jammed
up. First they denounce becoming a SPC but in term they have stolen the
procedures from the old Redemption Manual like the copy right of the straw man
and revocation of power of attorney etc and mixed their birth certificate
registration  jargon in.  They denounce the process that they inturn
use and want you to assume it is theirs.   Remember folks it’s all about commerce and
rule 5 of the 10 rules of commerce is that, “ any thing that you register you
give up true tile and ownership”.  The
fact is the birth certificate is not yours it was created by the de facto
state. You do not want to own it you wan to control it.  Anything that you register you give up
ownership hopefully this will clear up the madness that a few misdirected moors
are pushing to promote the sale of their videos.  You did not create the birth certificate the
state did it is their property. In this video you will learn why if you
register a birth certificate that is already registered you make a complete
fool out of yourself and any of them that is stating they get remedy from such
tell them to prove it.  I do not own it
nor do I want to I am just authorized representative. If you want right
knowledge subscrive to this channel I have taught this truth for years, do not
be mislead by a few New jacks that is misleading the sheep to be slaughter for
video sales. Stop seeking short cuts.
In much of the emerging teachings of law and contractual
obligations there is a mention of a strawman. 
In most of my documents more appropriately I use the term Trade
Name.  My intent here is to provide an
understanding on the creation of the Strawman or Trade Name.  How they come into existence.
In short, a government issued birth certificate is issued
with consent of one parent at the time of birth.  The birth certificate is sent to a government
agency, generally the Bureau of Vital Statistics.  Here, another ‘birth certificate’ is issued,
this one spelling the name of the baby in all capital letters, creating a fictional
entity (strawman or trade name).  If the
name on the birth certificate were to represent the baby as a natural
individual, it would be spelled with the appropriate upper and lower case
lettering.  For example, John Quincy
Adams, not JOHN QUINCY ADAMS.  The all
capitals spelling of the name creates a corporate fiction (a strawman, a trade
name), which the government can regulate and control.
With the issuance of a birth certificate on this fictional
character, this strawman or trade name is placed into international
commerce.  The government issues a bond
on the birth certificate in the amount of $630,000 (today’s value), and the
bond is sold on a securities exchange. 
It is always purchased by the same corporation, the Federal Reserve
Bank.  Through some trickery and
deception, the baby becomes the surety which guarantees the payback of the
bond.  The trick is to get the baby to
volunteer to pay... all of his (or her) life. 
And that is what the following essay is about... how to avoid becoming
liable for a fictional strawman or trade name that was a creation of government
for the purpose defrauding the individual (the baby). 
A little more detailed information... When a child is born,
the hospital generally sends the original, not a copy, of this record of live
birth to the State Bureau of Vital Statistics, sometimes called the Department
of Health and Rehabilitative Services (HRS). 
Each STATE is required to supply the corporate UNITED STATES with birth,
death, and health statistics.  The STATE
agency that receives the original record of live birth keeps it and then issues
another Birth Certificate in a different form where the name of the baby is
spelled in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS.  This
creates a ‘legal person’ as opposed to a natural individual.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Practical Comprehension of 1099 Forms A Free National ‘s perspective “t...

The vast majority of people are familiar with the 1040 Form,
which is an Individual Tax Return form. This is the basic form in which you
take all your account statements and add up the total income it all so suggest
that you are a federal employee.  Depending on how much you made in a given
year, you pay a certain amount of tax. Most people are familiar with the Income
section of the 1040 Form in which they report their income from wages on a W-2
Form. You will probably recognize that there is a box on the W-2 for reporting
income earned from employee wages, but there are also boxes in which you can
report money that is withheld from you by the employer - i.e. money that
doesn't get added to your income.

We established before how you don't have to pay taxes on
non-income (sales tax and others aside for the moment). Recall also that you
have an Employee Identification Number (EIN) that is the same as your SSN and
this makes you an employee of the State - your job being to act as a trustee
and manage the trust that bears a similar name to yours. Instead of getting
paid in wages, you get paid in benefits, privileges, and services, cutting out
the middle man, which is all money is, really.

Now, if you have a checking account, a savings account, and
a credit card account, these are all independent accounts with different
numbers, yet you are the creator of all of them. So they are all part of one
system - your system. You might have these accounts vested in different banks,
and to the bank, it looks like they are gaining or losing when you move money
around, but it's all still under your system. It hasn't actually left your
control. In much the same way, there are many SSNs and EINs, yet they all trace
back to the Federal Reserve, the SSA, and the IRS. It is all one system - the
State's system. They may have their property in the hands of different persons,
and to the individual, it may look like he is gaining or losing money, yet it
all remains under the control of the State. It hasn't really gone anywhere. So
while the rental cars might change drivers, they haven't changed owners.