Sunday, February 9, 2014

Invisible men the shewed minds behind feminism (SUBVERSIVE MOVEMENTS)

Nothing is as it appears!
Things are deceptive in appearance
The masses are deceived
So much more it is with most women that assume they are
liberated from oppression.
Behind the façade of liberation they are poster whores for
men in marketing, corporate harlots for bosses as modesty is becoming a foreign
word to most feminist minds void of meaning and has demised the vision of
potential husbands, Men do not want to marry many of you because  divorce often results in loss of have of his
Strategic Assessments for the feminist siege and the hidden
hands destroying  so-called Black male
and Female relationships  You have tried
counsel, you have tried family advice, you have tried friends advice, yet they
have all failed you so-called black men and women, your only hope is in God.
Repent and live according to the laws of God Yahawah.
Some repenting sister and modern women wonders why now they must
chase a beau down, as her grandmother never did. The modern woman wonders why
men do not rise up on the bus or subways to give her a seat. The modern woman
wonders why some men feel so free to curse in her presence, and to use language
that no respectable woman of the past generation ever heard. She wonders in awe
as she departs her homes in attire so tight that there is no room for
imagination why she is whistled at and often treated like a bitch. Men have a
tendency to whistle at dogs and treat them as such. Thus if you lower your
morals to a degenerate level women how can you expect respect more less demand
 Yes, the modern,
masculine, pants-wearing, cigarette-smoking, extension, weave-haired woman has
fallen from her pedestal. She is not reverenced by men as her beautiful and
modest grandmother was.

These days men have come to feel that if a woman will not
fill a woman's place, she shall not have a woman's protection and respect. Men
desert their wives as never before in the world. Very few men nowadays feel
reverently about a woman's body. Boys who have dates with these weave- haired,
smoking, strong-willed, modern girls, expect to kiss them and fondle them as
they please, or to kick them out of the car to walk home. The man who marries a
modern woman marries a woman who expects to fight like a man, smoke like a man,
has had many sexual partners, have her hair cut like a man, and go without
restrictions and without chaperons and obey nobody. A man who marries such a
woman, I say, does not expect to support her. The modern girl is very often
expected to work and help make a living.

In 1 Pet. 3:7 husbands are commanded to give "honour
unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel." When women cease to admit that
they are the weaker vessels as God's Word says they are, then they lose this
honor that men through the centuries have delighted to give to women. I say,
the honor, the deference, the courtesy, the protectiveness that practically all
men, good and bad, once offered to good women, has almost disappeared!

Oh, women, what have you lost when you lost your femininity!
When you spend thousands on fake urine blonde hair, you bobbed your character,
too. Your rebellion against God's authority as exercised by husband and father,
has a tendency, at least, to lose you all the things that women value most. If
you want reverence and respect from good men ( Men of Yahawah), if you want
protection and a good home and love and steadfast devotion, then I suggest you
to take a woman's place! Dress like a woman, not like a man. Have habits like a
woman. And if you want God to especially bless you when you pray, then have on
your head a symbol of the meek and quiet spirit which in the sight of God is of
such great price.

In other words if we do not obey that which God (Yahawah)
has commanded we brake the law and we are sinning.  1st John
3: 4] “Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is
the transgression of the law”

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