Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Eric Garner,Child Support CPS, SSN, Warrants, Obligators, Defendants vs ...

Eric Garner was murder for a .75 cent cigarette that he sold
for survival because NYC Mayor de Blasio decided that he wanted these wicked
cops to crake down on products that are being sold that they cannot be tax. If
the government cannot tax it then it is illegal they say.  Have I knot been emphasizing to you to get
out of their damn tax system, claim nationality, become producers and stop
working for them and make our own jobs? 
That is how you being this system to its knees and crush it.  NYPD Officer Daniel Pantaleo used and illegal
choke hold on Eric Garner that we use in BJJ that murdered him. Under the
common law because of Daniel Pantaleo choice to apply a choke hold that was
rendered illegal in NY since 1993.  What
in the hell should man care if the choke was outlawed or not, he murdered a man
with it even if it was legal.  The fact
is despite Garner;s medial condition if he was not choked by Pantaleo he would
not had died at that minute on the street.  
It is time the people regain control over corrupt system that will not
indict murders in blue gang uniforms with badges. 
i man would like to education you persons on how to be  people a [wo]man on how to regain
control.  This is not legal advice.  Once you learn how to be a man you will then
arrive at the reality that government is man’s creation.  Government did not create man.  You should rule and control that which you
create.  We have civil servant that
believe that they have the power and have established a corrupt legal society
which has reserved the roles and now you do not know how to be a man so they
rule you from a public servant capacity because you do not know law.    The
Oligarchy continues to use skin color as a form of control to divide and
manipulate the masses.  Those that assume
that they are white are used as puppets by the globe controller until your
usefulness wear out.  Sadly enough too
many people that assume that they are white feel superior to so-called black
and you do not realize that this is a plan until your usefulness wears out.  

You so-called black keep getting slammed dunked in their
court.  You allow public servant to
instill fear in you.  In their civil
servant capacity you should have power over them, the judge, the lawyer, the
bailiff, the secretary of state etc..  Stop
wasting your time studying all of their legalese which subject you to their
corporation.    Go in court as a man and apply the common
law.  They know that man has the real
power but you just do not know it.  You
have allowed them to reverse everything in court.  They are man’s creation they  must stop telling their creators what to do.
Case and point: there was a lady that had a baby that died last week and the
lady prayed to God that her baby would live but the baby died.  The lady became angry and said there is no
God, I hate God.  Yet that lady has no
power to dictate to her creator Yahawah. 
The Most High  did not respond as
she desired because she has no power over the creator.  It is supposed to be the same way with these
courts and politicians.  Man is the
power, we the people.

Once you so called blacks really learn who you really are
you will not go to courts and beg for an indictment when you the people are in
control of the courts.  You will crush
the court system and put people in that enforce the common law.  Under the common law it’s a life for a life.    To all of you constables on patrol that
kill unjustly, to all of you so-called black that murder each other in the hood
the common law means death to you just as well. That is the laws of the creator
a life for a life.   We the people are
the power once you learn how to be a man or womb-man. 

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