The trooper program is designed to push you beyond your
comfort zone into the realm of the elite.
This program is designed to test your mental and physical endurance
beyond your self restraint tendency. We develop you
into those that are ready to Lead, apt to Follow, and Never Quit" As a Commando
in this trooper program "The
only easy day was yesterday!" Run to this elite Commando Trooper program
and don’t bother running away by selecting the path of least resistance. Others claim to have trooper programs but
theirs just stagnates your growth. Do
you have what it takes? Can you mentally exert yourself beyond the pain and be
one of us?
As a Commando our motto is “AND alone I am lethal as a team I dominate!”
Commandos, this day we are masters of our fate,
understand that that task which has been set before us as Commandos is not
above our strength; that its pangs and toils are not beyond our endurance. As
long as we have faith in our own creator, our mission and our cause and an
unconquerable will to win, victory will not be denied us."
comfort zone into the realm of the elite.
This program is designed to test your mental and physical endurance
beyond your self restraint tendency. We develop you
into those that are ready to Lead, apt to Follow, and Never Quit" As a Commando
in this trooper program "The
only easy day was yesterday!" Run to this elite Commando Trooper program
and don’t bother running away by selecting the path of least resistance. Others claim to have trooper programs but
theirs just stagnates your growth. Do
you have what it takes? Can you mentally exert yourself beyond the pain and be
one of us?
As a Commando our motto is “AND alone I am lethal as a team I dominate!”
Commandos, this day we are masters of our fate,
understand that that task which has been set before us as Commandos is not
above our strength; that its pangs and toils are not beyond our endurance. As
long as we have faith in our own creator, our mission and our cause and an
unconquerable will to win, victory will not be denied us."
Troopers are pushed into a situation under
maximum pressure, maximum intensity, and maximum danger. When it is shared with
Ahchyam (brothers), it provides a bond which is stronger than any tie that can
" If it was easy it was not done right
" then there's " i will do nothing to dishonor my nation, my home, my
platoon, my fellow commando.
Contact us now 347-618-1783
Even If you do not wish to be a Trooper or you
just do not have what it take, please assist us by making your donations to
support this movement.
just do not have what it take, please assist us by making your donations to
support this movement.
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