MERCHANT. 2. A bond for commercial debt. A statute staple gave the lender a
possessory right in the land of a debtor who failed to repay a loan. See
MERCHANT. 2. A bond for commercial debt. A statute staple gave the lender a
possessory right in the land of a debtor who failed to repay a loan. See
“A popular form of
security after 1285 . . . was the . . . ‘statute staple’ – whereby the borrower
could by means of a registered contract charge his land and goods without
giving up possession; if he failed to pay, the lender became a tenant of the
land until satisfied . . . the borrower under a statue or recognizance remained
in possession of his land, and it later became a common practice under the
common-law forms of mortgage likewise to allow the mortgagor to remain in
possession as a tenant at will or at sufferance of the mortgage.” J. H. Baker,
An introduction to English Legal History 354 (3d edition 1990).
security after 1285 . . . was the . . . ‘statute staple’ – whereby the borrower
could by means of a registered contract charge his land and goods without
giving up possession; if he failed to pay, the lender became a tenant of the
land until satisfied . . . the borrower under a statue or recognizance remained
in possession of his land, and it later became a common practice under the
common-law forms of mortgage likewise to allow the mortgagor to remain in
possession as a tenant at will or at sufferance of the mortgage.” J. H. Baker,
An introduction to English Legal History 354 (3d edition 1990).
= A bond or obligation of record binding a person to some act as to appear in
court and subject to forfeit money if obligation is not fulfilled. Fifa = Fifa, short for the Latin phrase:
fieri facias (“let it be made . . .”) was a court (execution) to the sheriff to
levy on (Take) the property of a debtor in order to satisfy a judgment A bond or obligation of record binding a person to some act as to appear in
court and subject to forfeit money if obligation is not fulfilled. Fifa = Fifa, short for the Latin phrase:
fieri facias (“let it be made . . .”) was a court (execution) to the sheriff to
levy on (Take) the property of a debtor in order to satisfy a judgment
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