Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Your Best Body Ever Top 5 reasons to eat proteins and carbs together ( b...

I was a bit loath to make this video  this series of videos because I despise most
things connected with the idea of “rapid weight loss.”
Wild promises of losing upwards of 1
pound per day, and the extreme weight loss measures that go with them, are a big reason
why many people ultimately fail to achieve and maintain their weight loss
The reality is you have to look
at getting and staying fit as a LIFESTYLE change, not a quick fix. 
Chasing quick fixes leads to yo-yo
dieting, which doesn’t necessarily physically impair future weight loss efforts,
but sure is psychologically defeating.
Proper weight loss, however, is slow and
steady, never leaves you feeling starved or run down, and even allows for
 building muscle and strengthThis is, by far, the best way to go about losing weight. 

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