Thursday, July 2, 2015

Are you required to give a Job your Social Security Number Free From Ser...

Your Social Security Number is actually a corporation and a
second you. This stems from the idea of “corporate personhood.” The idea of
giving corporations the rights of natural humans may seem utterly disgusting,
but under Black’s legal dictionary the definition of “person” is a natural
human or corporation. This is because they are trying to fool people into self
identifying as their SSN corporation! Hence the need to give your Statutory
person the rights of a natural human.
Another reason why this works is because of UCC 1-308.
Please look it up. This is the code that reserves natural human rights and opts
out of the UCC that you don’t know about. This is critical to understand
because if a judge were to ever ask you what that means, it is only valid if
you know. That is to say, presenting this paperwork to a statutory court, and
understanding it, means they don’t have jurisdiction… Not only that but you
also then have the Constitutional right to have any and all cases seen by a
court of common law…. Or have the case dismissed and compensation dispensed for
your troubles. You can tell the difference between a statutory court and a
common court because statutory courts use American Flags with a gold fringed

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