Saturday, October 3, 2015

Goodbye Defacto:Canceling a social security number

Shalom, If you have watched this video 10 times, Congratulations, you
have just taken a very important step of becoming a Secured Party Creditor or
even a  sovereign if it is your will.   You must now reclaimed your unalienable
rights reserved by the constitution!  You
must teach the people the truth. After watching this video you will comprehend
that using or claiming to be your invalid SSN is fraud.  If you did not know now you know.

Did you know that you have the right to have all debts be denominated in
Constitutional Money: ounces of gold and silver? 

 Did you know that You have the right to
work without a SSN?  Too many are too
afraid to put this into action.  Did you
know that You have the right to be paid in ounces of gold or silver; the dollar
bill will crash very soon. 

Finally did you know that You have the right to be treated as a corporation
without a SSN but only with discrete opt-in consent.  Meaning you can operate in commerce.  It is all about commerce folks.

How many of you knew that Filing taxes would be considered fraud due to need to
fill in your invalid SSN if it was cancelled?  Remember this is not legal advice just
information that you need to research and apply only if you decide to do so.
They also only collect unconstitutional Federal Notes which is most certainly
not constitutional legal tender: gold or silver.  Figuratively, all account linked to your
statutory person are invalidated

Technically, if gold or silver is offered and declined, the debt itself is
nullified. This includes mortgages, car loans, credit cards, student loans,
federal and state taxes, etc.  Donate
whatever value you find this video to be worth

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