Sunday, February 12, 2017

The plagiarized works of Timothy Drew Ali’s Circle 7 Koran the Aquarian...

Filthy moors the final chapter I did not hear no fat lady
It is a fact that approximately around (1000 a.d.) when the
Muurs/Moors began their attacks on west Afrika in which they couldnt fully
conquer west Afrikans mentally, but the Moors did manage to "Islamacize"
much of west Afrika's inhabitants who were mainly Hebrew Israelites at this
time. In(1492 a.d.), in which is approximately 800-years later after the Moors
had lost their control of Spain and later in that same year, therefore they
gave their Edomite buddy "Columbus"(a so-called white man from Spain)
a Moorish map. This historical truth is re-visualized in the Hollywood movie (1492-Conquest
of Paradise). So, it is fair to say that these
filthy Muurs/Moors helped Columbus
circum-navigate the Atlantic ocean in hopes to
find the western hemisphere called Amerika. The filthy Moors also even drove Columbus's ships and when they all planted their feet on
the land of the Amerika's, therefore the Moors helped Columbus kill many Hebrew israelite natives..
So, while the filthy Moors were destroying Afrika and in turn they were giving Europe and Europeans everything they could ever want or
need by thus far. Tajjy Bey Talk about that, Jonah Bey talk about that if you
keep it real. No you will not because you a conceal the truth.   Yet,
there were also Moors in Pre-Columbus Amerika too and undoubtedly were also
carbon Afrikans in Pre-Columbus Amerika as well.

Yet, western Moors had so many slaves that in the
(1700's)thus Virginia
had to pass a law preventing you filthy Moors from buying up all the european
slaves. So,theses western Moors began to exclusively but carbon Afrikans as
slaves instead.. Today, its so many if not too many naive and un-learned Moors
in Amerika who believe the "YT"theory of "Mu" bein the
Moors ancient homeland inwhich is a pale lie. But, okay, lets just pretend or
say if it were true inwhich the Mayans said that the people from "Mu"
all died bcause they were corrupted. So watch this video and see why you can
not trust moors  or Drew Ali.

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