Saturday, July 1, 2017

Edification for IUIC Sovereignty Misinformation Stultifying Creditors ...

This video is edification for a recent IUIC
video on sovereignty and other rogue agents that  denounce those of us that asset our rights.  Recently IUIC did a farcical Sovereignty
video, which  this video will spurn with “right
knowledge”.  I suggest that those that
want to comprehend what a Secured Party Creditor is and a Sovereign  to watch this video 5 times and muse over the
content herein. I humbly suggest to IUIC that dispatching a deluge of
misinformation is an injury to our people that want to resist tyranny. 

I am a revolutionary and a revolutionary does
not conform to autocratic, oligarchy Defacto systems.  Therefore if IUIC want to address S.P.C and
being a sovereign you could had came to me, your brother privately because I’m
a vanguard of this quest for freedom. This Defacto is decadent and if you
conform you will go down with it because Yahawah  will bring it down according to the Bible.
While I’m not a debtor and do not engage in
polemics I do edify those that miss lead the lost sheep. Watch this video share
it and subscribe. And I warn those of you that is under the spell that these people
are casting on you that the moment that a government, an elder, a priest or a
religious institution tell you do not watch this on YouTube or don’t read that
that is tyranny and their aim is the control you.  We now have a simple process to help you
become a Secured Party Creditor/sovereign, without years of research and hassle
to figure it out!

We highly recommend learning and comprehending
as much as you can to overstand what you are doing, but if you have an
emergency, or just wish to receive and study the Actual 100% Time and Tested
Redemption Process (updated over time as feedback from the field taught us what
is working and what is not…), then you have it right here! You must change your
STATUS to have any standing to challenge jurisdiction and/or discharge your
case/account! Becoming a Secured Party Creditor is the FIRST BIG STEP towards
any goals that you may have.
Call us to find out if this process is right
for you.  347-618-1783/

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