Monday, August 28, 2017
Friday, August 25, 2017
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Why Debtor Pay Taxes, Promissory Notes vs Bill of Exchanges Secured par...
creditorsdebtorscontracts@yahoo.comThe difference between lawful and legal is that lawful relates to the common law which means do not cause injury to your fellow man, create mischief and steal. Legal is made up of their Statutes, Codes, Acts, Rules etc…Lawful is the common law where for there to be a crime there has to be a injured party. Or mischief in a contract or damage to property. The reason he police ask for your name address and date of birth is because they want to create joinder with you and the birth certificate which is the legal fiction. Without giving a name or creating joinder what do they have?
Friday, August 18, 2017
How Secured Party Creditor Fathers can Win Child Custody and Prevent Chi...
Many of you fathers believe that black robes do what they
want in court and act like god in their court. This is because most fathers go in court
acting like the debtors that they are and do selective listening when they
watch my videos or contact me with only a few days before they go to court yet
expect to win. That is the demeanor of a debtor folks. But I contend that if you know contact law
you can win because these judges are all contact law experts. See in common parlance or Colloquial
speech which is by the way is,
conversational, informal it refers to
types of speech or to usages not on a formal level. Colloquial is
often mistakenly used with a connotation of disapproval, as if it meant
“vulgar” or “bad” or “incorrect” usage, whereas it is merely a familiar style.
Debtors use colloquial speech in a public court. Have I not suggested you order my books on The infliction of Commerce and Commerce Warfare We the people vs
Despotism second edition? Have I not said to get a blacks law 4th
edition and a Webster’s 4th edition and Brian Blums book? Why have you not done it yet you except to be
a creditor?
want in court and act like god in their court. This is because most fathers go in court
acting like the debtors that they are and do selective listening when they
watch my videos or contact me with only a few days before they go to court yet
expect to win. That is the demeanor of a debtor folks. But I contend that if you know contact law
you can win because these judges are all contact law experts. See in common parlance or Colloquial
speech which is by the way is,
conversational, informal it refers to
types of speech or to usages not on a formal level. Colloquial is
often mistakenly used with a connotation of disapproval, as if it meant
“vulgar” or “bad” or “incorrect” usage, whereas it is merely a familiar style.
Debtors use colloquial speech in a public court. Have I not suggested you order my books on The infliction of Commerce and Commerce Warfare We the people vs
Despotism second edition? Have I not said to get a blacks law 4th
edition and a Webster’s 4th edition and Brian Blums book? Why have you not done it yet you except to be
a creditor?
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Globe Controllers, Charlottesville, White Nationalism Distraction From T...
You people are lost in the hysterical overreaction to the
Trump Administration ordering Defacto government agencies allow their media
propaganda machines to promote tension with
deceptive communications until the new administration's policies can be fully
provoke civil arrest out the disturbing
fact that the U.S. Defacto government
appears to have a media function that
are brainwashing the mass minds Warning this video might wake you up if you
allow it.
Trump Administration ordering Defacto government agencies allow their media
propaganda machines to promote tension with
deceptive communications until the new administration's policies can be fully
provoke civil arrest out the disturbing
fact that the U.S. Defacto government
appears to have a media function that
are brainwashing the mass minds Warning this video might wake you up if you
allow it.
Sunday, August 13, 2017
Saturday, August 12, 2017
Use Heather Ann Tucci, Randy Beane & Harvey Dent as a catalyst Act like...
Listening to Harvey Dent’s video saying the was the name could
it be that he now may be hanging himself? Did I hear Harvey just admitted that he was
testing the system to see if it would work by saying he was the name? Does that
not make him the debtor and he can no longer be a creditor? Did Harvey just admit to committing wire fraud?
The banker told him his account had multiple
fraud flags on it. Could it be that she is only playing dumb to get him to
spill it. There are other so-called sovereigns
teaching the name is no longer the debtor. It incenses me how wrong these people
it be that he now may be hanging himself? Did I hear Harvey just admitted that he was
testing the system to see if it would work by saying he was the name? Does that
not make him the debtor and he can no longer be a creditor? Did Harvey just admit to committing wire fraud?
The banker told him his account had multiple
fraud flags on it. Could it be that she is only playing dumb to get him to
spill it. There are other so-called sovereigns
teaching the name is no longer the debtor. It incenses me how wrong these people
Debtors Can't Own Treasury Direct Accounts Property Creditors you are no...
Tazadaq has changed so many Debtors lives. He repeats many
times that he has the best job in the world, of motivating people and pushing
them to become stronger Creditors
times that he has the best job in the world, of motivating people and pushing
them to become stronger Creditors
Unfortunately the
majority do not persevere through the struggle , but their failure remains
within them the remainder of their lives of what they could had done as
Debtors; yet Tazadaq’s legacy lives on through all the motivational and
inspirational videos and quotes of his, that continue to motivate people every
day to become Secured Party Creditors to be successful free. Success many loves him for it but the
majority detest him.
majority do not persevere through the struggle , but their failure remains
within them the remainder of their lives of what they could had done as
Debtors; yet Tazadaq’s legacy lives on through all the motivational and
inspirational videos and quotes of his, that continue to motivate people every
day to become Secured Party Creditors to be successful free. Success many loves him for it but the
majority detest him.
Thursday, August 10, 2017
Over Standing of Preventing Treasury Direct Account T D A Reversals an...
An executor is someone named in your will, or appointed by
the court, who is given the legal responsibility to take care of any remaining
financial obligations. If you the living
soul do not become the Secured Party Creditor and thereby attorney-N-fact, or
authorized representative, the Defacto state will most likely appoint a esquire
attorney of you estate( Treasury Direct Account) and he will dig into it at
will. Your debtor is a corps( corpse) which is dead, You, the living soul must
take charge of your estate( TDA) or someone else will. Typical duties include:
Distributing assets according to the will. Maintaining property until the
estate is settled (e.g., upkeep of a house).
If I am executor then I can determine who is beneficiary and I can make
myself beneficiary of the estate. This si not legal advice just right
knowledge(proper education) from Tazadaq court, who is given the legal responsibility to take care of any remaining
financial obligations. If you the living
soul do not become the Secured Party Creditor and thereby attorney-N-fact, or
authorized representative, the Defacto state will most likely appoint a esquire
attorney of you estate( Treasury Direct Account) and he will dig into it at
will. Your debtor is a corps( corpse) which is dead, You, the living soul must
take charge of your estate( TDA) or someone else will. Typical duties include:
Distributing assets according to the will. Maintaining property until the
estate is settled (e.g., upkeep of a house).
If I am executor then I can determine who is beneficiary and I can make
myself beneficiary of the estate. This si not legal advice just right
knowledge(proper education) from Tazadaq
Over Standing of Preventing Treasury Direct Account T D A Reversals an...
An executor is someone named in your will, or appointed by
the court, who is given the legal responsibility to take care of any remaining
financial obligations. If you the living
soul do not become the Secured Party Creditor and thereby attorney-N-fact, or
authorized representative, the Defacto state will most likely appoint a esquire
attorney of you estate( Treasury Direct Account) and he will dig into it at
will. Your debtor is a corps( corpse) which is dead, You, the living soul must
take charge of your estate( TDA) or someone else will. Typical duties include:
Distributing assets according to the will. Maintaining property until the
estate is settled (e.g., upkeep of a house).
If I am executor then I can determine who is beneficiary and I can make
myself beneficiary of the estate. This si not legal advice just right
knowledge(proper education) from Tazadaq court, who is given the legal responsibility to take care of any remaining
financial obligations. If you the living
soul do not become the Secured Party Creditor and thereby attorney-N-fact, or
authorized representative, the Defacto state will most likely appoint a esquire
attorney of you estate( Treasury Direct Account) and he will dig into it at
will. Your debtor is a corps( corpse) which is dead, You, the living soul must
take charge of your estate( TDA) or someone else will. Typical duties include:
Distributing assets according to the will. Maintaining property until the
estate is settled (e.g., upkeep of a house).
If I am executor then I can determine who is beneficiary and I can make
myself beneficiary of the estate. This si not legal advice just right
knowledge(proper education) from Tazadaq
Over Standing of Preventing Treasury Direct Account T D A Reversals an...
An executor is someone named in your will, or appointed by
the court, who is given the legal responsibility to take care of any remaining
financial obligations. If you the living
soul do not become the Secured Party Creditor and thereby attorney-N-fact, or
authorized representative, the Defacto state will most likely appoint a esquire
attorney of you estate( Treasury Direct Account) and he will dig into it at
will. Your debtor is a corps( corpse) which is dead, You, the living soul must
take charge of your estate( TDA) or someone else will. Typical duties include:
Distributing assets according to the will. Maintaining property until the
estate is settled (e.g., upkeep of a house).
If I am executor then I can determine who is beneficiary and I can make
myself beneficiary of the estate. This si not legal advice just right
knowledge(proper education) from Tazadaq court, who is given the legal responsibility to take care of any remaining
financial obligations. If you the living
soul do not become the Secured Party Creditor and thereby attorney-N-fact, or
authorized representative, the Defacto state will most likely appoint a esquire
attorney of you estate( Treasury Direct Account) and he will dig into it at
will. Your debtor is a corps( corpse) which is dead, You, the living soul must
take charge of your estate( TDA) or someone else will. Typical duties include:
Distributing assets according to the will. Maintaining property until the
estate is settled (e.g., upkeep of a house).
If I am executor then I can determine who is beneficiary and I can make
myself beneficiary of the estate. This si not legal advice just right
knowledge(proper education) from Tazadaq
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
Over Standing the Rules of Commerce and Properly Using A Treasury Direc...
By incite through observation we can deduce how most things
function., I am Tazadaq Shah . Below is 10 rules of commerce that must be
applied whenever one is involved in commerce to be effective. This inclused
Treasury Direct Accounts ect.
function., I am Tazadaq Shah . Below is 10 rules of commerce that must be
applied whenever one is involved in commerce to be effective. This inclused
Treasury Direct Accounts ect.
1. You can only control that which you create. ( Pro Create
a son or daughter not a child it’s a fiction or corporation)
a son or daughter not a child it’s a fiction or corporation)
2. You cannot control that which you did not create. (State
has no control over son or daughter)
has no control over son or daughter)
3. All of commerce is based on Title. (Birth certificate,
MSO, copyright)
MSO, copyright)
4. The only true Title to anything is the MSO Manufacture
Statement of Origin. (Geneses 1 verse 1)
Statement of Origin. (Geneses 1 verse 1)
5. When you register anything anywhere you give up Title.
(Car, Child, vote)
(Car, Child, vote)
6. There is no Money just fiat currency. (Only credit in circulation Public, and
7. There is no involuntary Servitude. (You must consent and
you have a right to contract, Amistad, Joseph)
you have a right to contract, Amistad, Joseph)
8. First in line is first in time. (Recorded into public
record at county)
record at county)
9. Do not interfere with commerce.
10. Allow nothing to come between you and your Creator.
(Eliminating paganism) (Examples) A. My Divorce B. Biker Billy Lane C speeding
with MCO Applying these rules can help us to understand and even master
(Eliminating paganism) (Examples) A. My Divorce B. Biker Billy Lane C speeding
with MCO Applying these rules can help us to understand and even master
To become Secured Party Creditor contact Tazadaq the
Deprogramed Enlightener at
Deprogramed Enlightener at
Tuesday, August 8, 2017
Edification 4 Crypto News Account Name Federal Reserve Treasury Direct A...
Reward Yahawah's teachers for new Right knowledge and skills came when we reached consensus about the central premise that not all teachers and creditors are created equally.
In order to meet the demands of a poorly defined future, districts--like many of the best businesses in today's flattening economy--must focus on "value-added" efforts when developing human capacity in their organizations. Identifying the ever-changing needs of the student populations and then addressing local needs quickly is essential if we are to maximize the impact of instruction to Yahsharahla that every child has access to an accomplished teacher of Right Knowledge
How does this change the way that teachers have traditionally been rewarded for their knowledge and skills?
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