Listening to Harvey Dent’s video saying the was the name could
it be that he now may be hanging himself? Did I hear Harvey just admitted that he was
testing the system to see if it would work by saying he was the name? Does that
not make him the debtor and he can no longer be a creditor? Did Harvey just admit to committing wire fraud?
The banker told him his account had multiple
fraud flags on it. Could it be that she is only playing dumb to get him to
spill it. There are other so-called sovereigns
teaching the name is no longer the debtor. It incenses me how wrong these people
it be that he now may be hanging himself? Did I hear Harvey just admitted that he was
testing the system to see if it would work by saying he was the name? Does that
not make him the debtor and he can no longer be a creditor? Did Harvey just admit to committing wire fraud?
The banker told him his account had multiple
fraud flags on it. Could it be that she is only playing dumb to get him to
spill it. There are other so-called sovereigns
teaching the name is no longer the debtor. It incenses me how wrong these people
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