Monday, January 27, 2014

Black Wall Street A hidden history: God bless America? ( Why some dete...

If any of you truly believe that the attack on the federal
building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
or the World Trade
Center in 2001 was the most tragic
bombing ever to take place on United
soil, as the media has been widely
reporting, they're wrong as you are to conform to such beliefs without any
research.  We must question everything
that the propagandist tell us.  An even
deadlier burning and bombing occurred in Tulsa
nearly 93 years ago.
Many people in high places would like to forget that it ever happened and would
like you to never know it occurred. 

When one search under the heading of "riots,"
"Oklahoma" and "Tulsa" in current editions of the World
Book Encyclopedia, there is no mention whatsoever of the Tulsa race riot of
1921, and this omission is by no means a surprise.  So much of history has been omitted from
their his story books.  The fact is, one
would also be hard-pressed to find documentation of the incident and many other
that reveals the truth in American history books and throughout the world.  You must dig deep, find the truth and teach
it. As long as the creator has brothers in your midst as Tazadaq and the many
other warriors fighting to liberate your thinking and teach you about your
heritage, the laws, statutes and commandments, you shall know the truth and the
truth shall make you free.

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