Monday, January 13, 2014

White Supremacy to maintain control: The truth about America

Most so-called black are too naïve to inner-stand the impatct of racism. Those that do can be placed in movies, and the music industry to degrade their people for a large some of monay as long as they fare well themselves. Currently I have no respect for most so-called black entertainer because they are often paid to cater to a negative image of so-called blacks and aid to the genocide for a price.  Allow me to cite how engenice affect us the guns.
A recent  report by researchers at Australia’s Monash University and Britain’s Manchester University looked at how racism among whites and gun ownership is linked. The report used data from the American National Election Study and scored people based on their ‘symbolic racism,’ which is used to measure anti-black sentiments. Besides keeping a gun at home, they were also more likely to oppose gun control reforms.

Racism and guns go together.
That’s the finding of an international study released Thursday that says the two are linked. More specifically, odds are greater that a racist white American also keeps a gun at home and opposes gun control regulations.
The conclusion wasn’t too surprising for researchers at Australia’s Monash University and Britain’s Manchester University, which sought to better understand American gun culture.
“There had already been research showing that ... blacks are more likely to be shot, so we thought there must be something happening between the concept of being black and some whites wanting guns,” Monash researcher Kerry O’Brien said in an email to the Daily News.
He also found that political leanings and geography play a part into firearm ownership.

For those with increased scores in symbolic racism, the odds also grew that they owned a gun and supported concealed carry laws.
O’Brien said researchers in Australia and Britain were interested in America’s gun debate following recent mass shootings, such as in Newtown, Conn., and data that suggests blacks are more likely to die from gun violence even though mostly whites own firearms.
He said that clamping down on gun violence and murder rates is tricky if U.S. whites continue to oppose strong gun reform more than other racial groups.

Now I have a Question for you so-called blacks, Why did Ronald Reagan do so well among white voters? One indisputable factor was the return of aggressive race-baiting. A year after Reagan’s victory, a key operative gave what was then an anonymous interview, and perhaps lulled by the anonymity, he offered an unusually candid response to a question about Reagan, the Southern strategy, and the drive to attract the “Wallace voter”:

You start out in 1954 by saying, “N—, n—, n—.” By 1968 you can’t say “n—” — that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states’ rights and all that stuff. You’re getting so abstract now, you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is, blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. Today’s government, offers an unvarnished account of Reagan’s strategy. Second, it reveals the thinking of  white America the rise of GOP dog whistle politics. A protégé of the pro-segregationist Strom Thurmond in South Carolina, the young Atwater held Richard Nixon as a personal hero, even describing Nixon’s Southern strategy as “a blue print for everything I’ve done.” After assisting in Reagan’s initial victory, Atwater became the political director of Reagan’s 1984 campaign, the manager of George Bush’s 1988 presidential campaign, and eventually the chair of the Republican National Committee. In all of these capacities, he drew on the quick sketch of dog whistle politics he had offered in 1981: from “n—, n—, n—” to “states’ rights” and “forced busing,” and from there to “cutting taxes”— Today Reagan is a folk-hero of the right and center and is so widely popular that Barack Obama often feels obliged to invoke Reagan’s name reverentially. Why this obeisance to Reagan, consider an essay published several weeks before the 2012 presidential election, when the portents indicated an uncertain Democratic victory. Editorialist Frank Rich argued that whether Obama won or lost, conservatism would triumph in the end: “This is a nation that loathes government and always has.

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