Thursday, January 16, 2014

Homosexuals war on America, Transforming the youth: God vs Gays (Young ...

Hollywood and homosexuals are selling a thought to the people each time that they display so-called black men cross dressing that it is okay. They are promoting evil according to the Bible. This is an attempt to prevent the people of God from receiving the Kingdom to come. They want you to fall when they fall.  They give our men millions to cross dress in acting effeminizing it yet selling this unclean spirit to the youth. Our people are taking on these seducing spirits because it’s in the movies, in the magazines, in cartoons. They are promoting lesbians, homosexuals and cross dressing. And our people are so confused because they do not know God and they Bible therefore you are accepting it and unless you repent the creator of the Heaven of the earth will rein judgment down upon you. The children of perdition are feeding you this evil and you love it. Woe is 2/3 of our people. It’s not my desire to hurt our people, truth hurts but it only hurts the guilty. So the stones that I throw at the dogs and bitches (female dogs) the only ones that will scream out is those that got hit with the stones of truth.

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