Monday, June 8, 2015

SSN 5, Obligor, Presumption, Attorney vs Lawyers ABC’s of UUC

The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) is the
codification of laws governing commerce in the United States. It’s not really law
its color of law that we have been taught is law. All issues of selling,
borrowing, lending, and other issues of trade are covered under ucc. The term UCC 1-308
refers to Article 1, subsection 308 of the Uniform Commercial Code. Subsection
308 addresses the concept of reservation
of rights
with regard to performance or acceptance of contract terms.
Specifically, UCC 1-308 establishes protection of rights in a commercial
setting where contract terms cause unknowing conflict with or risk to certain
rights. Do you understand? Do you understand?

The purpose of UCC 1-308, was to replace UCC
1-207, and to protect an individual or business entity from unknowingly giving
up rights by agreeing to specific contract terms. By signing a document with
additional terms such as “without prejudice,” or “under protest and duress,”
and referencing UCC 1-308, the signee establishes the retention of any rights
he or she unknowingly or under false pretense 
or adhesion contracts agrees to surrender. Such provisions do not allow
an individual or business to avoid legally binding contract
terms, but rather to accept contract terms without risk to other rights.
Typically, these rights apply to matters of debt and
contract performance. Contract is law and law is contract.

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