Tuesday, June 2, 2015

UUC Codes, Reservation of Rights, Address, Residence

Do you really understand the Legal System ?

When you enter into a public court room it is akin to going aboard a ship. And when most of us enter into such an environment we assume that law is being practiced. What is occurring is actually public policy that is referred to as law. According to 27 CFR 72.11 all crimes are commercial. You are operating under Maritime Admiralty Law. These are Codes that are referred to as law created by de facto and corporations. They are UCC codes and they are universal. Its a method of governing the entire world with one system. It's safe to say a one world government. A New World order of what many assume is law. They do not apply to the living soul they apply to the corporations and those that created them. If you consent then they apply to you.

 If you are a person they most certainly apply to you. I am not a person, I am me. I do not live in New York, CA, NJ, LA, VA ETC, I live within the confines of my skin. I am not a name, I am. I am the spirit that is an accommodation party of the name.  Well you go fill out a job application which is another contracts that binds you if you do not know how to reserve your rights


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