The primary issue when battling CORRUPT JUDGES in America is allowing them to place the blame on others while the real problem is the judges and lawyers. They continue commit and allow the crimes in their public venues known as courts and they prosper from them. They rubber stamp anything crooked liars bring before them and refuse everything honest, people and citizens(slaves) bring to expose the crimes. I’ve seen this happen all over the US . When evidence becomes public the judge will put on a show as if he is now making change and wishes to help prosecute some of the criminals. The facts are these judges often have reports against them of corruption. They want their jobs and avoid prosecution so they play semantics and or stupid and turning in perhaps one of many criminals he worked with. Remember lawyers all work under the same roof, the bar. They do everything privately between themselves in chambers.
Judges are behind destroying the lives of thousands of seniors, the disabled and mentally ill, many Fathers and to a lesser degree some mothers. These judges allow the most weak, defenseless and innocent victims to be robbed, abused, harmed and even murdered. THIS MUST STOP. Bad lawyers being put on the bench who abuse their power and become HORRENDOUS, Dishonorable Judges.
Makes no sense have THE LAWYERs (and judges) in charge of removing one bad guardian when he himself has been the problem from the start.
In economics, a commodity is a marketable item produced to satisfy wants or needs. Economic commodities comprise goods and services.
Did you register to get married? Did you register your child’s birth record by filling out the live record of birth that the hospital provided to send to the state for a birth certificate?
Once you register anything you give up ownership and true title and your rights! You birth and marriage certificate are know as warehouse receipts. Both Birth and marriage certificates are a form of securities.
Black's Law Dictionary, 7th ed. defines A warehouse receipt. "...A warehouse receipt, which is considered a document of title, may be a negotiable instrument and is often used for financing with inventory as security."
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