Brother and sisters when you stand in the ship known as public court Hebrews gird up your lions Moors stand on your square( nothing in relations to foot positions or masonry) but in other words stand on the words of truth. What is the truth? John 17:17
A proceeding before a magistrate without jury to determine an issue of fact, specifically regarding whether or not the court has jurisdiction; you cannot challenge jurisdiction in Admiralty or Military courts. Do you understand? “Once you challenge jurisdiction in a criminal case, the courts have the burden of proof ... and they are required to back their jurisdictional claim by showing you pertinent statutory charges.”—5 U.S.C. 556(d)
: Arraignment And Pleadings
There are specific rules and court procedures that must be followed. You’re better off to sit mute and not incriminate yourself, than to give your consent, agree unwittingly, or unknowingly violate court procedures. Standing in court or approaching the “bar” implies your consent to be tried under “statutory” law. Do not stand in court until the court has answered your request regarding its jurisdiction. Jurisdiction must be squarely challenged. Your rights must be explicitly reserved at each step of the proceeding. Failure to deny is an admission of guilt (28 U.S.C. 8(d)).3Hiring or retaining an attorney also implies your consent to be tried under the statutory law of that court, and waiving your right to represent yourself.
I’m Tazadaq and this is my contribution to the proper education or your and my reality
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