Child Support a debtors prison, “Deadbeat Dads” or Dad’s BEAT TO DEATH? ( Parens Patriae)
Looking deeper into CS cases one will find that courts (judges) ruled in favor of the contractual terms to enforce or extend obligations to custodial parents "in the best interests of the child". Really?
From such a prospective, it becomes clear that all CS cases are really contracts/trusts between father (grantor/obligor), the mother (trustee /obligee), and the STATE as beneficiary on behalf of the asset, the defenseless "minor child", claiming a statutory right to enforce a commercial instrument (the contract /trust).
However the States are limited by the federal and state constitutions, and are not allowed to pass any "bills of attainder, ex post facto laws or emit bills of credit or pass laws impairing the obligation or contracts".
The corrupt system use words of art worded statutes, codes, rules, ordinances and because of our own ignorance is bliss view, we consent often unknowingly agree to these unconscious and unconscionable contracts. State constitutions are very clear that imprisonment for debt is prohibited, and trial by jury must never be violated.
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