Friday, December 13, 2013

Sharkeisha: archetype of single black mothers spurning male leadership (...

Sharkeisha is a vivid manifestation of  the result of  single so-called black women rearing children with out a strong righteous father figure. The so-called young black male and female is at the zenith of wickedness.  We can applaud the feminist movement for its deception of the so-called black man as head of his family, altering the so-called black women into an money driven sex machine. For the right price most will sell their souls. Let us not forget the so-called black man that war against his race to impress the so-called white man and to appease to him he taunts just how much he detest his race.  If he is a successful sport figure he gladly cross over and  elevate a poor white trailer trash lady or  the typical so-called white women to a higher status ,looking over the so-called black women that he may could have taken up with him.

Then it’s the slick Willie nigger that  peddles death  in the form of narcotics to the communities just to wear name brand clothing created by the so-called whites giving his buy power back to the other nations as fast as he wickedly receives it. He is a sperm donor that drops  his seeds into this women or that woman and leaves her alone to fend for self. He sit in awe and watch as he watch his sons emulate his pattern of in and out of jail and prisonThe so-called black family is clearly suffering, and from my standpoint, the so-called black family is upon its deathbed in dire need of guidance and direction. You have rejected God and adorned the image and minds set of nigger’s pimps hustlers, bitches, whores, Sambo coons.  If one examines your vital signs, they would be inclined to agree that the so-called black family structure is on a swift decline.  The root of your suffering is rejection of God’s laws, rebellion of women to assume their roles and men to assume their responsibilities, immorality and vanity, where greed, lust and inordinate selfishness have become your way of life When the desire of the reality of self interest becomes excessive the far most  causality in this war is truth. The so-called black man and so-called black women in their lustful desire, their desire to achieve selfish interest engage casting darkness on the light of truth from their sons and daughters and awake from their adultery fornication and whoredom and realized they the single so-called black women are rearing 8 million Sharkeishas. Such fools you so-called black people be

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