Friday, December 13, 2013

Truth is more estranged than fiction (What every American citizen should...

What if I told you that America has become a corporate business as Wal-Mart, Mark Kay, Microsoft ect.  Under the disguise of the United States.  She is a divided house and unless she learns to suppress her hate of those of the copper colored skin she will face imminent death from within. The election (selection) has produced more of an injury then a solution for the so-called black, so-called Hispanics and poor so-called whites. Our people remind me of the Bible’s Lazarus begging for the crumbs that fell from the rich man’s table. When in this hell will we wake up, pool our resources and do for self? Our unity is more powerful then anyone man. But the degeneration into niggers and b*tches has us at a subhuman status.  We really need to wake up people.  The one man that shall return to save is the real Messiah Yahawashi., the Mashiyach  (Christ).  If you honestly think that you will find salvation in a political figure you are indeed out of touch with reality. It is wonderful  for many so-called blacks to see one of the darker skin to stand up in a country where  many of our ancestors were made slaves and say “I am the new Pharaoh”.  The same skin does not make us the same kin. We must not become blinded with this façade of skin colors and see it as an accomplishment.  Because in order for us to rise those previously in power must fall. Do you understand?  Have you considered the fear that is currently revolving in their communities and secret circles?  Close your eyes and briefly imagine what their conversation must be like. Stay tuned because it is going to get hot! Our salvation is in our God and unity not politics.  Oh you foolish people that placed your home in Obama..   Jeremiah 17:5 “Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD”.  Keep your ears to the concrete 

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